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Feasibility Study Report on the Orphanage Centers 

The World Orphanage Foundation conducted a mission to Afghanistan on December 18, 2012 to analyze the overall status & need of the orphans in the different orphanage centers based on the feasibility study research. The feasibility study was carried out by the Head by WOF through interviews, discussions with the government institutions, Directors of orphanage centers, Ministry of Education and UN organization UNICEF for further support and coordination in Afghanistan. All the Government institutions, UN agencies expressed their support, commitments and appreciated our approach. The main goal of the interviews and meeting was the initial introduction of World Orphanage Foundation, coordination and how to support the orphanage centers, women rights and child abuse. The meetings were held with the following government institutions and UN agency.

Feasibility Study Report on Food Distribution 

World Orphanage Foundation helped a refugee camp in Parwan-e Do, Kabul. This donation was completed with the presence of Sara Kazimi the founder and CEO of World Orphanage Foundation. This donation contained food package distribution of bread, oil and sugar for 500 families in March 16, 2013.

Feasibility Study Report on Disabled House 

Pir-e Herat Charity Foundation is a house for differently abled people (Disabled) which is famous as Hearts’ Home. Sara Kazimi dedicated her time to visit this house in Herat, Afghanistan. She met Ostad Abdul Ali Barekzai the founder and the staff with the group who were living there.

Feasibility Study Report on the Water Wells 

World Orphanage Foundation is a non-profit foundation that will work with philanthropies and garner donations not only in Afghanistan but all around the world. WOF aims to build 11 water wells in three provinces of Afghanistan (which regions). These 11 water wells will benefit all the regions that do not have access to drinking water.

Feasibility Study Report on the Rice Packs Distribution 

World Orphanage Foundation (WOF) completed assisted 270 families. According to the survey conducted by World Orphanage Foundation, a group of families living in remote area of Kabul are poor. WOF donated 7KGs rice pack to 270 families on 7th December, 2020.

Feasibility Study Report on Distribution of Halwa Sandwiches

World Orphanage Foundation continues its aid to Afghan vulnerable and poor people. For two days 1,300 halwa sandwiches have been distributed among people in remote areas of Kabul by WOF team with presence of CEO and Founder of World Orphanage Foundation.

Feasibility Study Report on Distribution of Iftari Packs, Ramadan-2021

On the 27th of Ramadan Karim, World Orphanage Foundation distributed 200 food packs and 1,000 pieces of bread to poor people on the street. This Iftari pack was distributed by the WOF team on May 09, 2021.

Feasibility Study Report on Distribution of Iftari Packs, Ramadan-2021

On the 27th of Ramadan Karim, World Orphanage Foundation distributed 200 food packs and 1,000 pieces of bread to poor people on the street. This iftari pack was distributed by WOF team on May 09, 2021. 

Feasibility Study Report on Internship Program-Afghanistan Batch

World Orphanage Foundation is creating internship program opportunities for new university graduates from different countries mainly focusing on Afghanistan. The training is in the fields of web development, web design, graphic designing, media, advocacy, marketing & sales, empowerment programs, educational programs, public and private policy, foreign policy, legal and photography. The duration of the internship program is for 3 to 6 months.

Feasibility Study Report on Notebook Donation- Kochi Abad, Kabul

Word Orphanage Foundation (WOF) and Save a Child International Foundation (SACIF) have been working together since 2020 for the greater good of all children living in orphanages around the world. We are pleased to announce our latest donation project where we have distributed 1,000 notebooks, pencils and erasers to the children at Shahid Shamali Khan High School in Kochi Abad, Bagrami.

Feasibility Study Report on Food Distribution on winter season, Kabul

World Orphanage Foundation provided food for more than 20 Families, to those who didn’t have anything to feed their children. This donation has been done on Oct 25th, 2021. The donation was distributed to in-need families as food packages with 7 types of primary things Included (7 KG Rice, 7KG Beans, 5Lit Oil, 7KG Sugar, 7KG Potato, 7KG Onion, 10 Packs Salt).

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 World Orphanage Foundation - All Rights Reserved.


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